Instagram Reports

(57 customer reviews)
service category: Instagram

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Buy Instagram reports with Kumplo and manage your profile’s reputation quickly, safely, and easily. Increase your report count with just a few clicks. Rated UK’s #1 social media service since 2014, we offer reliable services for your needs. Discover our offers below and start managing your Instagram today!

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What are Instagram Reports?

Reports on Instagram – This is a publicly available feature that allows users to report content or accounts that break the community’s rules and regulations to Instagram moderation.

Any person can report any post, video, account, or user account if they feel it is inappropriate.

A single report does not immediately guarantee that unwanted content will be blocked or removed or that a moderator will respond. This is because Instagram does not draw any consequences from erroneous or excessive reports. Therefore, in order to limit the number of erroneous reports, it only responds when there are a lot of them.

Time is also of the essence. The more reports in a short period of time, the more likely it is that the content will be removed or lead to the account being blocked. This is because of the need to react quickly to protect the app’s youngest users.

If the algorithm notes thousands of reports in a short period of time, it can automatically block an account without a moderator checking. If you think a post or account is breaking the rules and you want it blocked, reports on Instagram can increase the chance of a successful resolution.

If you have found yourself here by chance and are looking for services to promote your account, try a like on Instagram or our active followers to help you succeed faster on this platform.

Why reports on Instagram matter

Leading to the blocking of the most popular accounts on Instagram, it’s possible! In 2023, a group from a well-known Polish forum started to report agreed users en masse. The number of reports was so high that it only took an hour for some users to be blocked. The action took place at night between 3-4, so that the block was automatically imposed by an algorithm rather than an active moderator. Interestingly, users of this forum also reported accounts that did not break the rules and were blocked anyway.

We were so impressed by the whole action that we decided to take our chances and make the possibility of mass reports available on Instagram for everyone. We are aware of numerous people impersonating well-known celebrities to extort money, bogus competitions, and slander. In any of these cases, you can use our reports on Instagram to get your account blocked quickly.

Although the decision to block or delete a post/account on Instagram always rests with the moderator, under a barrage of reports, or in situations bordering on rules and regulations, there is an increased likelihood that content will be closely scrutinized and ultimately blocked. In extreme cases, an automatic moderation system may also be activated, which will impose a shadow ban on the post (significantly reducing its visibility) until it is reviewed by a moderator.

You can report anything you want: a comment, a post, a video, a report, an account, or even a message on Instagram. Provide the relevant link and we’ll do the rest.

buy instagram reports at kumplo

Is it worth buying reports on Instagram

Reports on Instagram is the only service of its kind that gives you direct influence over the “cleanliness” of your community. Thanks to our service, you can quickly react and remove unfavourable comments, spam, or misleading content that may exploit your image.

The advantage of our solution is speed over the standard procedure of considering reports before moderation. Thanks to the large number of Instagram reports, the decision to remove content or block an account can be made by an algorithm that helps moderation to control security on the platform.

While it is true that we do not know the exact values required for this mechanism to work, as this is determined on a case-by-case basis for each post, we have many confirmed cases where hundreds or thousands of reports have led to the removal of a post or even the blocking of the author’s account.

This is the same pattern where an influencer asks his or her community for help in reporting messy content. You can then see very fast action, as the system makes the decision and not the moderator. This is done specifically by Instagram to speed up the checking process and protect the community.

You don’t have to limit yourself to just protecting your profile. If you are responsible for a brand’s profile, or you see disturbing content that affects your family or friends, then you can also intervene. We operate globally and accept links to all types of content on Instagram.

Although the final decision to block or remove content always rests with Instagram, our experience shows that moderation very often suggests the opinion of the submitters and there is a good chance of achieving the desired goal.

Why is it worth buying Instagram reports from

  • Delivery of orders in less than 24 hours
  • 24-hour automated order processing
  • High customer ratings on Trustify (4.8 out of 500 reviews)
  • Various payment methods available: Bank transfer, Payment cards, Cryptocurrencies
  • VAT invoice, available for download immediately after payment
  • Over 300,000 orders fulfilled in 8 years of operation
Ability to report posts and accounts from all over the world
We operate globally and are the only ones in the UK to give you the possibility to report on Instagram not only from the EU but also from all over the world. This allows you to get your account blocked or content removed even on accounts from Germany, Netherlands, US or other corners of the world. The system itself selects users from the nearest available location.
Reliable reports from genuine and active users
We have a huge database of verified users who have had their accounts for many years and are actively using them. This makes our reports on Instagram not only reliable but also effective. Reports from fictitious accounts may not be considered sufficient to lead to the expected reslutions.
Fast order delivery available around the clock
We have developed a fully automated system that ensures not only fast delivery of orders at any time, but also low handling costs. This allows us to provide a high quality service at a competitive price at all times. Fulfilment stats as soon as payment is made.
An effective way to combat fake accounts and spam
Reports on Instagram are an effective way to combat content and accounts that violate community rules. Unfortunately, due to the volume of users, moderation is not able to respond as quickly for one report as it can for thousands. For this reason, accounts reported by many users are blocked faster than those reported by one or a few people.
Free customer support available 24/7
In addition to our high-quality service, we stay in touch to offer advice or technical support for any problems. Ask us for tips, strategies or whatever you want and you will see for yourself that these are not idle words. We respond to every message in less than 24 hours.
Possibility of automatic blocking by an algorithm
An avalanche of reports of a post or account on Instagram from real users means there is a good chance that it will be automatically removed not by a human but by a special algorithm. Instagram, wanting to protect the community, has to use automatic solutions that relieve the burden of moderation. In many cases, a large number of reports lead to the automatic blocking of an account or removal of content.

How to buy Instagram reports

Buying reports on Instagram consists of 4 simple steps that you complete entirely on our website. You don’t need to download or configure anything. We only need a link to your account or post to carry out the completion. Our method is absolutely secure as we do not need your account password from you. Follow the steps below, and you will go through the whole process of ordering the service in less than 10 minutes.

Copy the link to the post or account on Instagram

Open the Instagram app and copy the link to the content you want to report. This can be either a link to an account, a comment, a photo of a video or even a report on Instagram.

Select the number of reports and configure the package

Return to our website and begin the order configuration process. Start by selecting the number of reports you want to add and specify the delivery speed and additional options.

Paste the link and add to cart

Paste the link you copied earlier in the box provided. You can enter 1 link for one service. The add to cart button will be unlocked once you have completed the URL for completion.

Fill in your details and make payment

Add the service to your basket and proceed to the summary, where you can enter your invoice or billing details. Choose a payment method that is convenient for you and pay the order to start the service delivery.

Reports on Instagram - answers to frequently asked questions

The FAQ (frequently asked questions) section is a collection of answers to the most frequently asked questions for a particular service. Thanks to it, you will find out what our customers ask us most often and you will learn the answer to your questions without having to wait for our answer. This is a great way for you to get to know the service and our company better.

Reports on Instagram - answers to frequently asked questions

Instagram Reports Reviews

  1. the author of the review has been verified Parker


  2. the author of the review has been verified Albie

    Very professional approach, quick and efficient order completion.

  3. the author of the review has been verified Carter

    Excellent quality.

  4. the author of the review has been verified Jack

    Excellent company, everything went smoothly and without any issues.

  5. the author of the review has been verified Rowan

    Perfect service, definitely recommend.

  6. the author of the review has been verified John

    The order process went smoothly, everything according to plan.

  7. the author of the review has been verified Eli

    Everything went smoothly, order fulfilment at the highest level.

  8. the author of the review has been verified Gabriel

    Quick delivery, service at the highest level. Highly recommend.

  9. the author of the review has been verified Austin

    Effective service, problem solved quickly and without complications.

  10. the author of the review has been verified Charles

    Service performed perfectly, according to expectations. Highly recommended.

  11. the author of the review has been verified Harley

    Service worked as expected, problem disappeared. Recommend.

  12. the author of the review has been verified Jake

    Very good!

  13. the author of the review has been verified Oliver


  14. the author of the review has been verified Alexander

    Express delivery, service performed according to expectations. Highly recommend.

  15. the author of the review has been verified James

    Excellent quality of customer service, full commitment and care for the customer.

  16. the author of the review has been verified Ellis

    Excellent service quality, worth using.

  17. the author of the review has been verified Louis

    Service delivered quickly, as agreed. Superb!

  18. the author of the review has been verified Jackson

    High-quality service at a low price. Definitely recommend.

  19. the author of the review has been verified Patrick

    Complete satisfaction.

  20. the author of the review has been verified Ava

    Thank you for helping to report the fake account that had been impersonating me on Instagram for a long time. Unfortunately, I am not a popular influencer, and even with the help of friends, we never managed to get Instagram support’s attention. The package of 1000 reports completely solved the problem. Highly recommend!

  21. the author of the review has been verified Sebastian

    Worked perfectly, problem disappeared immediately. Recommend.

  22. the author of the review has been verified Rory

    Fantastic service.

  23. the author of the review has been verified Harvey

    Very fast fulfilment, complete satisfaction.

  24. the author of the review has been verified Nathan


  25. the author of the review has been verified Daniel

    Low price, and the quality of service is excellent. Complete satisfaction.

  26. the author of the review has been verified Connor

    Definitely recommend.

  27. the author of the review has been verified Jenson

    Perfectly done!

  28. the author of the review has been verified Matthew


  29. the author of the review has been verified Dylan

    Service meets all expectations, professional approach to the customer.

  30. the author of the review has been verified Noah

    Thanks to this service, the problem was quickly resolved. Superb!

  31. the author of the review has been verified Edward

    Order process went without any complications, recommend.

  32. the author of the review has been verified Louis

    The best!

  33. the author of the review has been verified Jesse

    Great service, performed perfectly.

  34. the author of the review has been verified Aaron


  35. the author of the review has been verified Ezra

    Professional approach, service on time.

  36. the author of the review has been verified Henry

    Lightning-fast fulfilment.

  37. the author of the review has been verified Logan

    Great service.

  38. the author of the review has been verified Stanley

    Very effective service, helped solve the problem. Complete satisfaction.

  39. the author of the review has been verified Tobias

    Professional approach.

  40. the author of the review has been verified Charlie

    Order completed without any problems, full satisfaction.

  41. the author of the review has been verified Thomas

    Reliable service, always on time and as described.

  42. the author of the review has been verified Caleb

    Perfectly executed.

  43. the author of the review has been verified Oscar


  44. the author of the review has been verified Lucas

    Quick order fulfilment, everything as agreed. Complete satisfaction.

  45. the author of the review has been verified Jamie

    Super service!

  46. the author of the review has been verified Jude

    Very fast delivery.

  47. the author of the review has been verified Joseph

    Very good quality at an affordable price. Superb offer.

  48. the author of the review has been verified Robert

    Great service! Managed to get an unwanted account deleted after just 3 attempts. I bought the following 25 reports and 50 reports and 500 reports on Instagram in one day. I would recommend to anyone who needs help with reporting fake accounts on Instagram.

  49. the author of the review has been verified Liam

    Very reasonable price, service fully worth its value. Recommend.

  50. the author of the review has been verified Roman

    Lightning-fast delivery, everything on time and without any issues. Recommend.

  51. the author of the review has been verified Jayden

    Reliable company, services at the highest level. Complete satisfaction.

  52. the author of the review has been verified Albert

    Order fulfilled smoothly, everything went efficiently and quickly.

  53. the author of the review has been verified David

    Great service for a low price, couldn’t be more satisfied.

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